Surprise Morels and a View

We made plans to hike the Empire Bluffs trail with our friends yesterday. We most recently walked the path back in super-snowy February, but Jim and Jess (and Jackson too) hadn’t been since the fall, and yesterday’s temperate weather seemed perfect for the short trek. Continue reading

The Progressive Dance of Spring

One day it’s almost 80 degrees (27C), the next it’s supposed to be 70 (21C), but it’s really mid-50s (13C), cooling to low 40s (6C). Nonetheless, temperatures have stayed above freezing, more light streams in daily, and so spring dances ever on. Continue reading

The State of the Woods

It’s the time of year again when we start spending nearly all our free time in the woods, staring downward, looking for morels. We always start the search far too early, and this year is no exception. We knew it was, but we wanted to see how things were looking out there. Turns out, there’s more green stuff above ground than we had expected. Not only are the trout lilies popping up – they’re among the first plants to re-emerge after winter, like crocuses, but longer-lived – but some leeks have sprouted up too.

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