Settling In

We’ve lived in the new place in Traverse City for just over a week now. There are still a few boxes to unpack, but we’re really in the final innings now. We have a few loads of things to donate, and we have pictures to hang, but I think all the furniture pieces are in their final resting places. Since we gave up quite a few square-feet with this move, it’s been interesting to figure out just how things fit. I’ve gotten creative with some of the organizing, but so far the house doesn’t feel small – and I don’t think it will. I know I promised you photos, but that’ll have to wait until I feel like the house is ready for company 😉

Historically I’ve been a total task-master about completing the move. I’ve tried to lighten up a bit and just enjoy the new location some this time. In the midst of all the packing, unpacking, and nesting, we’ve gone on dozens of miles of walks – one of the things we most looked forward to with this relocation. Petey and I start each morning with a trek around two miles. There have been just a couple mornings when I didn’t feel up to facing the lake breezes, but otherwise we’ve started our days by walking to the bay. It’s a great way to begin.

It’s also a great way to end 😉 (All photos from our walk tonight to get ice cream and then visit the bay.)



Traverse City Recess

Now that things are looking pretty official, it’s time to break the news: Tony and I will be moving in the next few weeks! I’ll be conducting my “recess” in Traverse City instead of Rapid City for the foreseeable future (but I won’t be bothering to update this blog address, so no worries about chasing me down).

We found a place in our favorite downtown neighborhood that we couldn’t pass up, so even though our house is still on the market, we’re relocating. The new place is actually quite a bit older, clocking in at 120 years old. But she’s looking good for her age: the current owner is finishing up a thorough renovation, as you can see from the few photo’s I’m including here. If you want to see more, let me know in the comments, and I’ll add a post with house pictures a little later on.

Kitchen, living room/stairs, dining area. The dishwasher is not actually blue – that’s protective plastic.

As you can imagine, we have been pretty stressed out, and remain so. Tony has a huge project hanging over him at work with a deadline timed almost perfectly with the house purchase closing. And we’re supposed to take a work trip sometime in the near future. My sister is also coming for a visit (If you’re reading: this is not a guilt trip! Totally want you to come!) at the end of the month. Around all this, we will figure out the logistics of moving and setting up a new home. We are old hands at these things, so it’s mostly just annoying at this point. Okay, I’m simplifying; it’s stressful too, but at least this is a local move and not another 1,000+ mile move.

Sunset over Torch Lake last night. I will miss this, but I will find other lovely sunset views to frequent. And this will still be here, and I will still see it.

Some Words on Wednesday

Spring might be in the air, but winter is still on the ground. I pretended it wasn’t yesterday morning, and took Petey on his walk in running shoes. I even ran for a couple minutes at my new cadence. It wasn’t fun – it feels like I’m Velma Dinkley with a tiny stride. But it fits my short legs better, so I’ll incur less joint damage and therefore less pain this way.

We had some errands to run yesterday, and we knew we’d want to walk around town, so we let Pete be a wild man at Hickory Meadows.

Actually, we let him roam off leash until other dogs and their owners approached, and then we on-leashed him until we got the go-ahead. Petey can come on a little strong, and not everyone responds well to that. I just wished they realized that having their dogs unleashed and uncontrolled kind of drives our dog nuts (which is not the same as doughnuts). Anyway, that’s neither here nor there.


Petey had a big time with several new canine pals, and ended up panting despite the 50-degrees with a breeze and mushy snow pack. In fact, he got so toasty that he tunneled through the snow, and wallowed around like a pig in that stuff pigs like to roll in. I’ll post a video later on Instagram (you don’t have to be on Instagram to view photos or videos in my stream) or on Facebook if you want to see his shenanigans.


The upshot of all this was that we enjoyed one of the most laid back walks through downtown Traverse City that we’ve ever had. Petey was mellower even than our sunset, and we felt absolutely at peace. Except for the chill creeping in, because as I said – it’s still winter on the ground even if it is melting away.

Take Three

Three quick stories, because I wanted to share these fun moments (or, really pictures for the TC one…)

When my family was in town recently, we did a lot of sunset + ice cream -ing. It’s something we excel at, and when you’re good at something… Anyway, one evening we were all hanging out at the ballpark on Torch Lake near Alden, licking ice cream and watching the sun paint the sky. Another couple had joined us, but it was no intrusion. Everyone was polite, simply enjoying the moment. As we gathered up our things to leave, the lady approached and asked if I was Heather. Trish recognized me (and Petey and some family members probably) from this blog. How cool is that? Thanks for stopping to say “Hi,” Trish! It was lovely to meet you and share a moment.

A couple of days ago, Tony and I planned a date night. We don’t bother to do this often, because when you’re married to your best friend, like to eat out, and you don’t have kids every night is kind of like date night. But we did plan an evening out to a favorite restaurant followed by a movie.

With skies like these, I tried to talk Tony into just watching the sunset and skipping the movie, but he didn’t take me very seriously. 😉
Stormy TC pano
Stormy TC pano-2

As we wandered around Traverse City and the marina afterward, we determined that apparently date night = eating at The Franklin and watching an action/sci fi movie at The Bijou. For our last three real date nights, this is exactly what we’ve done. Perhaps next time we’ll choose a different restaurant. I have no expectations that we’ll choose a different film genre.

Yesterday afternoon, I hopped on Facebook on our way to dinner with friends. Blogging pal Kathy had posted just moments ago about how though illogical, she was deeply interested in traveling the 550 miles from the Upper Peninsula (da UP, dontcha know?) to the thumb area downstate to visit her folks. She incited a storm of commentary – including my own additions – urging her to follow her heart. Less than half and hour later, Kathy and I had made breakfast plans in Gaylord – a northern Michigan town less than an hour from here – as she pauses in her journey south.

May you all find yourselves here soon 🙂
beyond bliss

Out of the Doldrums

I know, I know: it’s been a while. A few of you dear readers have not been shy about letting me know 🙂 We’ve been doing things, even things worth sharing, but I’ve been stuck in some late winter doldrums. I realize the calendar says it’s spring, but it’s still winter here.

East Bay, as of Sunday. It’s still frozen; the ice out there is just clear.
still winter

Our neighborhood, yesterday
spring snow

Also yesterday, so it’s not all snow, but there’s enough
spring snow-2

Fortunately, we have had some good family and friend time to break things up. We went to Ohio and had a terrific family visit at the end of March (more on that later), and then shortly after we got back, we hosted our friends Melinda and Matt on a three-day eating marathon.

Melinda and Matt, in front of a frozen East Bay – on spring break
Melinda and Matt

I’d classify their trip otherwise, but really, all we did was talk, eat, and sleep. I managed to take Petey on a few walks, so it was entirely gluttonous…just mostly. Hanging out with non-local food lovers underscores how ridiculously spoiled for choice we are. And even after visiting several of our area favorites, Trattoria Stella wins best food by a landslide. So, next time you’re in my neck of the woods, give me a shout and we’ll go out for a swanky dinner. Or even better, a delicious and more affordable lunch!

Our lunch at Polish Kitchen. Sharing bad photos because a friend always asks and I finally remembered – by which I mean I borrowed Tony’s phone and grabbed these shots well after we’d started eating! Pierogi on the left, goulash on the right.

Because the winter’s been dragging, I have been less maniacal about grabbing the camera. I’ve still been outside quite a bit, because cabin fever strikes daily even if the shutterbug doesn’t. But, thanks largely to warmer temperatures, I’ve started picking up the Nikon more again, and it feels good. Also, look at this cuteness. My heart asplode. Aren’t they just the cutest? I have another super-cute one lined up for Facebook later, so keep your eyes peel for that…assuming you like interspecies love 😉

And, last, some color. Because our world is becoming increasingly colorful. The drifts along the road are still a good bit above my waist, but there are clear spots in the yard, and the other day I actually had to take my coat off and walk in a tank top. Spring is on the way my friends. Enjoy it well 🙂